This was likely not the extra vacation he had hoped for.
A traveler’s trip turned sour after an airline stuck him with the hotel bill after a canceled flight.
London area resident Ian Field and his companion Jane had been enjoying a trip to St. Lucia in the Caribbean before their May 15 flight was canceled for what Virgin Atlantic called “operational reasons,” according to The Independent.
It took another two days to get Field and Jane — who suspected the cancelation was from a lack of passengers — on another flight. The man alleges both Virgin Atlantic and their travel company, Blue Bay Travel, left them on their own to find and pay for two more nights on the island.
“We feel completely abandoned and let down terribly,” Field told The Independent. “No response from Virgin, and the attitude of the travel agent is hopeless.”
Both entities reportedly left Field paying an extra $520 in unexpected lodging that he would have to later “claim reimbursement” to get back. However, Field said that they were told to call family for financial help should they need it.
“Absolutely appalling response all round,” Field said.
“Your problem, not ours – just sort it out yourself and claim back your costs from Virgin. And if you don’t have any funds available to pay for the extra two nights, then ask your family to bail you out.
A Virgin Galatic spokesperson told the outlet that they “will be fully reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred” along with both travelers getting $660 for their stay.
“We’d like to apologize to our customers for the delay in completing their journey and any inconvenience caused,” the spokesperson added.
Small words for Field though, who still can’t wrap his head around the approach.
“Luckily, we’re in a position to pay the extra $520 to the hotel,” he said.
“But what about those who can’t pay?”
This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site